Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 10 cleanse!! LAST DAY :D

LAST DAY of my cleanse! :D Step One....Complete!!!!

Now...on to dinner tonight with my new handsome boy... hmm.

I'm thinkin'...spaghetti squash (noodles)...chicken...veggies...and ? :P Meh I'll think of something!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 9 cleanse!

One more day of the cleanse, then I start the MSN Max...or whatever it's called :P I feel great ! Who would have thought that fiber drink could taste so good! (actually it does! ) My legs are sore from running so much, but all I want to do is go! I'll just remember to not drink so much coffee this time :P Anywho. Back to work. Love and coconut oil!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 7 cleanse ...Day 11 Paleo

Lunch today: bacon, carrot juice and blueberries!! (I love this diet!...ok maybe I ate a few too many blueberries, but it was so yummy!

Wow I feel great today! After my caffeine incident (I was so dehydrated!) I chugged about a half gallon of water and I felt way better...but all in all still pretty cruddy (probably because of the detox).

I was talking with Chad and he was like,"Gosh I sure am glad you aren't a silly blonde bimbo." I was like uh....LOL "We probably wouldn't like each other if I was!" And he was like, "No, because you are strong! I like a woman with muscles who can hold her own."

Can you say keeper (again!)? He likes that I can beat him up too! LOL I might have developed a minor crush :P

He's going to try some crossfit with me too, hopefully this weekend! It'd be so nice to have a partner lifting weights.

Anyways...the diet is going wonderfully. I have to say...I do much better when I stick to my normal eating schedule. I have a routine, see...breakfast when I wake up, lunch around noon, dinner around 5 then maybe a snack before bed. I try to make breakfast the biggest (it gives me fuel for my day!) and diner the lightest. It's always when I don't stick to my routine that I start having issues. The last few days have been like that because I have been so crazy with work, but I have learned that remembering to breath and stick to a schedule is important. I feel more balanced this way. And isn't that what health is all about? Staying balanced. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 9 Pale0- Day 5 cleanse

Musssttt go on! Halfway through the cleanse. I think I need to up my water intake :/ this is not the healthiest day of my life...I haven't cheated or anything but I've been drinking a whole lot of coffee! This day has been SO long I can't believe it. Work has been crazy the past couple days...I kept thinking that today was wednesday of next week! Has that ever happened to you??? Yeesh. I tried those little energy drinks today didn't do much lol. Probably because I drink too much coffee! What can I vice at a time! project at a time! 3 imporant GIS projects that I am working on AND I'm learning how to program with Python. I didn't even make time to work out today :( that's how busy I am. It sucks. Ok. I am tired. Tomorrow is a new day :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 8

Hey I'm still going, made a delish chicken mushroom and onion soup today that I am going to share with Chad soon...
And you know what, he loves that I am eating paleo! He wants to eat paleo with me!! Can you say keeper? That's just one thing that I really really like about my new date. He's got me all flustered, but even though we don't really know each other, he is totally respectful. He's even more respectful because I have been completely honest about all of this...and he loves it!!


Where was I? Oh yea! So I am about halfway through my detox.'s wiping me out too. I worked out for 20 mins today (yes only 20 minutes)...and I was WIPED. I sat down on my bed...then the next thing I knew it was 45 minutes later. Yeesh! I guess I was tired or something. My body was telling me to slow down. Luckily I don't work too far away :P

So that's that. Just checking in. I ran out of eggs this was sad. Sariah was right. I really look forward to breakfast since I started all of this. Bacon and eggs. 'nuff said.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 6- you thought I've quit already huh?

HA proved you wrong. I'm cooking a big fat steak as we speak. Oh yes. Delish, fatty, bovine goodness. And it's going in my belly.

So I had some pizza. But I don't regret it! You know why?? Because I really like the guy I went on my date with. Because I still love pizza, and I am allowing extenuating circumstances. Does this make me weak? Maybe, but I am starting right where I left off. I even did the hard part and told him that I was on a diet. You know what? And he is coming over tomorrow to sample my paleo cooking skills. As far as health is concerned-this week alone I have been healthier than I have been in a long while. I consider this a reward.

But it changes nothing. It's back to work and I am detoxing (day 2) right now. I have a stronger resolve than ever despite everything.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4 -Part Deux!

Hey, I have more energy today! I probably shouldn't be so surprised....but I am! I even woke up with a smile on my face!
I did the Elizabeth WOD, and though I can't do the 135 pounds that it says to do....I managed 85 and substituted bench dips. At first I was like...oy this is REALLy heavy, but as I kept working I was surprised as the weight became manageable. Does that sound weird? The lifting ITSELF gave me energy, just with the act of DOING it. :| this is an exciting new experience! All this time I have been working mostly with my body weight itself, but adding on to that...well. I kinda like it :P I just have to make time to go to Reno or somewhere and get some lifting lessons. I've hurt myself BAD in the past, and I really am not too thrilled if there is a potential to hurt myself again. I want to do this right :)

It wasn't heavy enough to cause damage or anything...but it was heavy enough to challenge me.

Crazy busy day today, but I managed to cook up some delish brussel sprouts in coconut oil. Have I mentioned that coconut oil is amazing? Well now I have!

And I made some veggie juice...I call it "Everything but the kitchen sink!"
Basically all the vegetables that needed to be used up-
That's it :P Chicken for dinner!!!

Day 4 Part One-Complications!

I knew this would happen. It's not bad...on the's quite exciting....

I got a date!
...but we are getting pizza on Saturday at 12:30 (as far as gluten free options in this town...well that's laughable!)

Here's the skinny. His name's Chad , he's 22 (a bit young for me but so far he has impressed me with his maturity), grew up somewhere near McDermit (he was a Bulldog-I know Sariah knows this :P) Um he has 4 other siblings and a really good job. He seems really motivated in life and wants to own his own business someday...and I met him on We have a lot of things in common...but we are getting PIZZA. MY WEAKNESS. OH THE PAIN. :P

So the question is this (and I am preparing for whatever may come!)...I know I have a few options.
a) I can be THAT person who picks on the waitress and orders the pizza...without the DOUGH. (wtf kind of person would I be!)
b) I can ... have nothing :( And have Chad think I'm a poon
c) I can MOW down...order the biggest fattest pizza they have and GORGE myself in the fatty carby goodness and regret it for the next week (I'm dreaming.....of a!)
d) I could look the menu over and order something more reasonable. (Maybe they have a salad?) I could tell Chad I'm on a no carb diet, but that normally I would be right there with him.

Oy I am giving myself a headache. It's hard to ...deny pizza. Oh yea and I'm going on a date too! :D
Regardless I'm not so silly that I don't realize that I need to come clean with Chad and tell him what's up. He'll know that my health means a lot to me, that I respect myself, and I need someone who will do the same. I mean, right?? I've sacrificed myself too many times in my relationships, and then ended up regretting it later. Something to think about anyways.

Mantra of the Day::::: NO REGRETS!!!::::::::

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 3 Paleo

This morning I woke up starving! I was quick to make up some boiled eggs and apples with peanut butter, then for lunch I chowed down on left over curry soup (still delish!)

Now I find myself inventing a new snack, are you ready for this? I call it Chia Butter. Just spoonfuls of peanut butter dipped in chia seeds. Hey, it gets the job done! Have I mentioned that I LOVE peanut butter?

I know, I know, I can't just survive on peanut butter though. But what else is there??.....
Hmm...I know! Carrot juice! (on the list for dinner!)Annd Kale chips! With a big side of BEEF. Yum! I can't wait till dinner!

I didn't write about it earlier, but I found some old protein powder hidden in the pantry shelf. (must have come from my old weight lifting days in high school. ahh the memories!) I blew off the top and mixed it in with an avocado and a banana (I know right? Where do I think of these things??) Well, it turned out to be as gross as it sounds. I should have just eaten the dang avocado and banana by itself! I threw it away. lol

Point of the story? Tomorrow is the day when my Advocare stuff is supposed to arrive! Bring it on 24 day challenge!

Mantra of the day:::I am stronger than I realize!!!:: :D

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 2 Paleo

I've got this. I just gotta pretend that carbs are like I'm going to get rid of em! ahahahaha I crack myself up :P

Seriously though, I had a really busy day, but I MADE time to cook this evening. And it was great :) I made a chicken curry soup. SOO delish and wayyy easy!!

chicken breast
coconut oil
bell pepper
1 can coconut milk (YUM!)
some broth or water
few TB curry

Chop all the ingredients up an sautee in coconut oil. Salt and pep. Rub curry all over. Pour milk/fluids. Simmer till cooked.

SO good.

Ok so the rest of my meals weren't that exciting...a mixture of peanut butter, eggs, roast beef and apples. But hey I'm working on it. My energy levels aren't amazing....I went for a run and was huffing and puffing through it...but I'm lookin up dang it.

<<<<<<<<< Because I'm worth it! >>>>> new mantra...*write it down!

Peace, love and blueberries!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Paleo Day 1.25?

Ok. This is harder than I thought it would be. I have already had 2 cravings. I have been eating bananas like no one's business.

What helps? Knowing that there is a Paleo Recipe for Fudge Brownies! (Thank you!)

1.5 C. dried figs
1.3 C coconut oil
6 TB coconut flour
3 eggs whisked
1/2 C Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (Gluten free! Sadly...not available at my local Raleys)
1/4 ts baking soda
1/ ts baking pwdr

So I can't exactly make them yet, but I will definitely write about it when I do! haha.

For lunch I had...stir fry veggies with a plain burger.
It's weird not adding a starch :\ especially for me! I am the cook in the family!

Annd...everyone has been complaining! Which makes it harder. I told them to suck it up, that I was doing it and that was final. I don't care if you can't have your dang hamburger bun! Or that we are out of cheese! My dad thinks I am trying to poison him somehow. I tell him no...he's confusing me with my mother. HAHA.

Paleo Day 1

Ok. So I officially started yesterday afternoon...but today is the first *real* full day. My vitamin shipment is on it's way and should arrive within the next two days (exciting!) I can't wait to have more energy.

But not even 3 meals into it, last night I had a carb craving. Ack! I managed to eat lunch and dinner with no gluten and no added sugar. Ok I know you all are so excited to see the Paleo chef in me- here's what I had

LUNCH- 2 eggs, beans (this is before I got the memo that beans are bad? Still researching this...I don't know if I fully believe it), cooked in olive oil with apples and peanut butter. (yum!)

DINNER- A whole bunch of kale chips! (I like sprinkling yeast flakes and olive oil on mine!), then I sauteed mushrooms and onions with veggie broth to make a soup.
*about an hour after this I had a massive carb attack. I ate a brown cow yogurt and it helped (I know it's dairy, but a step at a time, right?)

BREAKFAST- I feel really happy about today. I had 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, apples with peanut butter (I have a feeling this may be a staple for me), blueberries and a couple pieces of lunch meat.

Upon further investigation, I have deduced that I should probably research more on the Paleo Diet. I know I should eat mostly greens...nuts and meat, but I have all these questions. In what proportions should I make these? What veggies are better than others? Should I avoid some nuts while going all out on others? What about red meats? Is there any truth on them being bad for you?

Sariah and I were talking yesterday and she was saying how there is so much *misinformation* out there on dieting techniques. Who's advise should I actually follow? My dieting books, my cook books, my coach (that would be me! haha..), my doctor...what???? It's all very confusing.

But dang it. I am determined.

I did come across something inspirational, though. I am reading the book "Coming up Country" by John McPhee and he talks about the natives in NW Alaska and how healthy they are. Convinced that the "white man" food is bad for them (cakes, cookies, Twinkies etc) they believe that the only way to health is by eating the same way they have for centuries. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING is focused around their fishing and hunting. Caribou, salmon, whitefish, trout, moose...and they use EVERYTHING that they kill. Not really a surprise if you think about it, but I am thinking they have it right. Not thinking. Knowing.

It's sad...not all Native Americans believe this. One look at the obesity, alcoholism and diabetic nature of the Paiutes is enough to make me a sad....but that's another topic entirely.

Anyways, I'll bet anything that the natives of NW AK don't have muffin tops! take that *before* picture....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today is the Day!

This Muffin Top Has Got to Go!

I am doing it. I am taking the 24 day ab challenge and I am going to start my Paleo diet. No more excuses, no more white starches. No more white sugar and no more bread. I am taking the step towards inner health because....well. It has dawned on me that being healthy is more than lifting weights and running. It's about respecting yourself and the foods that fuel your body.

I hope you will join me on my journey and hopefully (maybe) I can inspire you too!

And it's not even that I feel bad, or horrible, or that I am sick. It's just. I know that I can do better. I can treat my body better, because lord knows, it will carry me for the rest of my life.

Here are my goals:
1.Complete the 24 day challenge .

2.Start the Paleo diet and really fall in LOVE with the things that I eat.

3. Lose this silly little muffin top! I've always had it, but I have decided it has got to go! Yea yea, everyone has a metaphor for it too...I've heard it be called the bagel, the pudge, the fluff, the puddin'....but the fact is, and maybe you are the same. I can deal without it! Especially if it makes me feel better!

And I realize it is not going to be easy. Yet another reason to keep this blogg. So I can have a support team! Or so that I can visualize the state of how things are. So I am starting today.

TODAY: I feel OK. I went for a run, but I didn't feel particularly strong. Actually I left pretty lazy, and my body felt like it was fighting me. I finished regardless, but my energy is still not what I want it to be. You see, among other things, I am also battling a genetic problem with hypothyroidism. I know that if I don't get my act together, I will succumb to all of it's ailments.