Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today is the Day!

This Muffin Top Has Got to Go!

I am doing it. I am taking the 24 day ab challenge and I am going to start my Paleo diet. No more excuses, no more white starches. No more white sugar and no more bread. I am taking the step towards inner health because....well. It has dawned on me that being healthy is more than lifting weights and running. It's about respecting yourself and the foods that fuel your body.

I hope you will join me on my journey and hopefully (maybe) I can inspire you too!

And it's not even that I feel bad, or horrible, or that I am sick. It's just. I know that I can do better. I can treat my body better, because lord knows, it will carry me for the rest of my life.

Here are my goals:
1.Complete the 24 day challenge .

2.Start the Paleo diet and really fall in LOVE with the things that I eat.

3. Lose this silly little muffin top! I've always had it, but I have decided it has got to go! Yea yea, everyone has a metaphor for it too...I've heard it be called the bagel, the pudge, the fluff, the puddin'....but the fact is, and maybe you are the same. I can deal without it! Especially if it makes me feel better!

And I realize it is not going to be easy. Yet another reason to keep this blogg. So I can have a support team! Or so that I can visualize the state of how things are. So I am starting today.

TODAY: I feel OK. I went for a run, but I didn't feel particularly strong. Actually I left pretty lazy, and my body felt like it was fighting me. I finished regardless, but my energy is still not what I want it to be. You see, among other things, I am also battling a genetic problem with hypothyroidism. I know that if I don't get my act together, I will succumb to all of it's ailments.


  1. So excited for you Jess! And so glad you're documenting your journey!

  2. Jess,
    I am very excited for you as well. I know that you will enjoy your journey. We will all be cheering for you!
    Take one day at a time and post your goals where you can see them.
    Don't look back and stay strong.
    Can't wait to see the end results. I took the challenge as well and feel 100% better than before.
    Best Wishes,

  3. Oh Jess! Take before pics, even if you don't post them it will he very motivating to actually see the changes.
    Boyd is one or my cf coaches and my friend, hope you don't mind a little extra kick :)

  4. Yay! Thank you for the support! I'm going to need it :P
