Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 2 Paleo

I've got this. I just gotta pretend that carbs are like politicians...an I'm going to get rid of em! ahahahaha I crack myself up :P

Seriously though, I had a really busy day, but I MADE time to cook this evening. And it was great :) I made a chicken curry soup. SOO delish and wayyy easy!!

chicken breast
coconut oil
bell pepper
1 can coconut milk (YUM!)
some broth or water
few TB curry

Chop all the ingredients up an sautee in coconut oil. Salt and pep. Rub curry all over. Pour milk/fluids. Simmer till cooked.

SO good.

Ok so the rest of my meals weren't that exciting...a mixture of peanut butter, eggs, roast beef and apples. But hey I'm working on it. My energy levels aren't amazing....I went for a run and was huffing and puffing through it...but I'm lookin up dang it.

<<<<<<<<< Because I'm worth it! >>>>> new mantra...*write it down!

Peace, love and blueberries!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait til you get thru the cleanse and get to start the MNS Max - Your energy is going to rise, especially coupled with good diet!
