Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 3 Paleo

This morning I woke up starving! I was quick to make up some boiled eggs and apples with peanut butter, then for lunch I chowed down on left over curry soup (still delish!)

Now I find myself inventing a new snack, are you ready for this? I call it Chia Butter. Just spoonfuls of peanut butter dipped in chia seeds. Hey, it gets the job done! Have I mentioned that I LOVE peanut butter?

I know, I know, I can't just survive on peanut butter though. But what else is there??.....
Hmm...I know! Carrot juice! (on the list for dinner!)Annd Kale chips! With a big side of BEEF. Yum! I can't wait till dinner!

I didn't write about it earlier, but I found some old protein powder hidden in the pantry shelf. (must have come from my old weight lifting days in high school. ahh the memories!) I blew off the top and mixed it in with an avocado and a banana (I know right? Where do I think of these things??) Well, it turned out to be as gross as it sounds. I should have just eaten the dang avocado and banana by itself! I threw it away. lol

Point of the story? Tomorrow is the day when my Advocare stuff is supposed to arrive! Bring it on 24 day challenge!

Mantra of the day:::I am stronger than I realize!!!:: :D

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