Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4 -Part Deux!

Hey, I have more energy today! I probably shouldn't be so surprised....but I am! I even woke up with a smile on my face!
I did the Elizabeth WOD, and though I can't do the 135 pounds that it says to do....I managed 85 and substituted bench dips. At first I was like...oy this is REALLy heavy, but as I kept working I was surprised as the weight became manageable. Does that sound weird? The lifting ITSELF gave me energy, just with the act of DOING it. :| this is an exciting new experience! All this time I have been working mostly with my body weight itself, but adding on to that...well. I kinda like it :P I just have to make time to go to Reno or somewhere and get some lifting lessons. I've hurt myself BAD in the past, and I really am not too thrilled if there is a potential to hurt myself again. I want to do this right :)

It wasn't heavy enough to cause damage or anything...but it was heavy enough to challenge me.

Crazy busy day today, but I managed to cook up some delish brussel sprouts in coconut oil. Have I mentioned that coconut oil is amazing? Well now I have!

And I made some veggie juice...I call it "Everything but the kitchen sink!"
Basically all the vegetables that needed to be used up-
That's it :P Chicken for dinner!!!

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