Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4 Part One-Complications!

I knew this would happen. It's not bad...on the's quite exciting....

I got a date!
...but we are getting pizza on Saturday at 12:30 (as far as gluten free options in this town...well that's laughable!)

Here's the skinny. His name's Chad , he's 22 (a bit young for me but so far he has impressed me with his maturity), grew up somewhere near McDermit (he was a Bulldog-I know Sariah knows this :P) Um he has 4 other siblings and a really good job. He seems really motivated in life and wants to own his own business someday...and I met him on We have a lot of things in common...but we are getting PIZZA. MY WEAKNESS. OH THE PAIN. :P

So the question is this (and I am preparing for whatever may come!)...I know I have a few options.
a) I can be THAT person who picks on the waitress and orders the pizza...without the DOUGH. (wtf kind of person would I be!)
b) I can ... have nothing :( And have Chad think I'm a poon
c) I can MOW down...order the biggest fattest pizza they have and GORGE myself in the fatty carby goodness and regret it for the next week (I'm dreaming.....of a!)
d) I could look the menu over and order something more reasonable. (Maybe they have a salad?) I could tell Chad I'm on a no carb diet, but that normally I would be right there with him.

Oy I am giving myself a headache. It's hard to ...deny pizza. Oh yea and I'm going on a date too! :D
Regardless I'm not so silly that I don't realize that I need to come clean with Chad and tell him what's up. He'll know that my health means a lot to me, that I respect myself, and I need someone who will do the same. I mean, right?? I've sacrificed myself too many times in my relationships, and then ended up regretting it later. Something to think about anyways.

Mantra of the Day::::: NO REGRETS!!!::::::::

1 comment:

  1. Id be straight up with him, tell him you're in the middle of a strict 10 days, and after that you can be a little more indulgent on things like dates.
    PS Is he cute? Would I like him?!
