Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 10 cleanse!! LAST DAY :D

LAST DAY of my cleanse! :D Step One....Complete!!!!

Now...on to dinner tonight with my new handsome boy... hmm.

I'm thinkin'...spaghetti squash (noodles)...chicken...veggies...and ? :P Meh I'll think of something!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 9 cleanse!

One more day of the cleanse, then I start the MSN Max...or whatever it's called :P I feel great ! Who would have thought that fiber drink could taste so good! (actually it does! ) My legs are sore from running so much, but all I want to do is go! I'll just remember to not drink so much coffee this time :P Anywho. Back to work. Love and coconut oil!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 7 cleanse ...Day 11 Paleo

Lunch today: bacon, carrot juice and blueberries!! (I love this diet!...ok maybe I ate a few too many blueberries, but it was so yummy!

Wow I feel great today! After my caffeine incident (I was so dehydrated!) I chugged about a half gallon of water and I felt way better...but all in all still pretty cruddy (probably because of the detox).

I was talking with Chad and he was like,"Gosh I sure am glad you aren't a silly blonde bimbo." I was like uh....LOL "We probably wouldn't like each other if I was!" And he was like, "No, because you are strong! I like a woman with muscles who can hold her own."

Can you say keeper (again!)? He likes that I can beat him up too! LOL I might have developed a minor crush :P

He's going to try some crossfit with me too, hopefully this weekend! It'd be so nice to have a partner lifting weights.

Anyways...the diet is going wonderfully. I have to say...I do much better when I stick to my normal eating schedule. I have a routine, see...breakfast when I wake up, lunch around noon, dinner around 5 then maybe a snack before bed. I try to make breakfast the biggest (it gives me fuel for my day!) and diner the lightest. It's always when I don't stick to my routine that I start having issues. The last few days have been like that because I have been so crazy with work, but I have learned that remembering to breath and stick to a schedule is important. I feel more balanced this way. And isn't that what health is all about? Staying balanced. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 9 Pale0- Day 5 cleanse

Musssttt go on! Halfway through the cleanse. I think I need to up my water intake :/ this is not the healthiest day of my life...I haven't cheated or anything but I've been drinking a whole lot of coffee! This day has been SO long I can't believe it. Work has been crazy the past couple days...I kept thinking that today was wednesday of next week! Has that ever happened to you??? Yeesh. I tried those little energy drinks today didn't do much lol. Probably because I drink too much coffee! What can I vice at a time! project at a time! 3 imporant GIS projects that I am working on AND I'm learning how to program with Python. I didn't even make time to work out today :( that's how busy I am. It sucks. Ok. I am tired. Tomorrow is a new day :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 8

Hey I'm still going, made a delish chicken mushroom and onion soup today that I am going to share with Chad soon...
And you know what, he loves that I am eating paleo! He wants to eat paleo with me!! Can you say keeper? That's just one thing that I really really like about my new date. He's got me all flustered, but even though we don't really know each other, he is totally respectful. He's even more respectful because I have been completely honest about all of this...and he loves it!!


Where was I? Oh yea! So I am about halfway through my detox.'s wiping me out too. I worked out for 20 mins today (yes only 20 minutes)...and I was WIPED. I sat down on my bed...then the next thing I knew it was 45 minutes later. Yeesh! I guess I was tired or something. My body was telling me to slow down. Luckily I don't work too far away :P

So that's that. Just checking in. I ran out of eggs this was sad. Sariah was right. I really look forward to breakfast since I started all of this. Bacon and eggs. 'nuff said.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 6- you thought I've quit already huh?

HA proved you wrong. I'm cooking a big fat steak as we speak. Oh yes. Delish, fatty, bovine goodness. And it's going in my belly.

So I had some pizza. But I don't regret it! You know why?? Because I really like the guy I went on my date with. Because I still love pizza, and I am allowing extenuating circumstances. Does this make me weak? Maybe, but I am starting right where I left off. I even did the hard part and told him that I was on a diet. You know what? And he is coming over tomorrow to sample my paleo cooking skills. As far as health is concerned-this week alone I have been healthier than I have been in a long while. I consider this a reward.

But it changes nothing. It's back to work and I am detoxing (day 2) right now. I have a stronger resolve than ever despite everything.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4 -Part Deux!

Hey, I have more energy today! I probably shouldn't be so surprised....but I am! I even woke up with a smile on my face!
I did the Elizabeth WOD, and though I can't do the 135 pounds that it says to do....I managed 85 and substituted bench dips. At first I was like...oy this is REALLy heavy, but as I kept working I was surprised as the weight became manageable. Does that sound weird? The lifting ITSELF gave me energy, just with the act of DOING it. :| this is an exciting new experience! All this time I have been working mostly with my body weight itself, but adding on to that...well. I kinda like it :P I just have to make time to go to Reno or somewhere and get some lifting lessons. I've hurt myself BAD in the past, and I really am not too thrilled if there is a potential to hurt myself again. I want to do this right :)

It wasn't heavy enough to cause damage or anything...but it was heavy enough to challenge me.

Crazy busy day today, but I managed to cook up some delish brussel sprouts in coconut oil. Have I mentioned that coconut oil is amazing? Well now I have!

And I made some veggie juice...I call it "Everything but the kitchen sink!"
Basically all the vegetables that needed to be used up-
That's it :P Chicken for dinner!!!